Azara crew agency has adopted new working system (home and office rotation regulation)

The pandemic of COVID19 is still active, and its impact is affecting a large number of people and businesses. Our company holds a moral obligation to adapt and act as a responsible member of society, hoping to become a small part of the solution. 

Azara crew agency closely monitors all the restrictions, directions, and recommendations from the global health organization and country of Croatia. 

Considering all stated above, our agency has introduced partial home-office work until the pandemic situation improves or any other solution becomes available. 

What does this mean for our crew?

As we are an agency dealing with candidates and having an active crew working worldwide, our office is available at all standard working hours as of before the pandemic. Our colleagues are on a rotation schedule working from the home-office to avoid a pandemic transfer if somebody would test COVID19 positive. 

We are asking you kindly – Before visit use EMAIL/PHONE 

All communication can be achieved via email or mobile/telephone rather than a personal visit to our office. We at Azara are always trying to be prompt and assist as soon as possible. Our seagoing crew is a priority, but we also give great importance to all new inquires and interest from potential candidates. 

I need to visit you in your office

If personal contact is necessary, your coordinator will give you all the instructions on what documents to prepare or what to bring to make a visit as short as possible. As we are a part of the maritime innovation center as tenants, we must follow all the rules from our center. While visiting, please be advised to:

  • Wear a face mask at all times 
  • Keep your distance where and when possible 
  • Use hand deficient 

In case of any unclarities, please call your designated coordinator. 

As usual, our office standard working hours are 08:00-16:00 CET Mon-Fri, and you can reach us at:

Thank you all for understanding, and we hope that together we can contribute to the global cause by being responsible.

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